

As a commonly used chat application, Telegram allows us to share various contents such as videos, images, audios, and files. But have you encountered the problem of being unable to watch Telegram videos online while using Telegram? Are you also curious about why Telegram videos cannot be watched online?


Telegram is a globally popular instant messaging application, and there may be multiple reasons why its videos cannot be watched online. For instance, since Telegram's servers are located globally, network delays or connection problems may prevent videos from loading and playing properly. Furthermore, some videos may be protected by copyright, so watching or sharing them without authorization is illegal. Below, we will introduce several methods to solve the issue of being unable to watch videos online.

Why can't Telegram videos be watched online?

 1. Network connection issues

If you are unable to watch certain videos in Telegram, you can first check if it's due to network issues, ensure that your device is connected to a stable network environment, and then try again. Alternatively, you can switch networks, for example, if you are currently using WiFi, you can try using your mobile network to watch videos in Telegram. If the inability to watch Telegram videos online is due to network connection issues, this method can help resolve the problem.

2. Device anomalies

When your device has issues, it may also affect watching videos in Telegram. In this case, you can try restarting your device to temporarily resolve the issue of being unable to watch videos. After turning off your phone, wait for a while before turning it back on, then log in to the Telegram app, open the video again, and see if this solves the problem of not being able to watch videos online in Telegram.

3. Telegram's own restrictions

If it's because Telegram itself has imposed restrictions on certain videos, you can try using a third-party client to log in to Telegram and watch videos, as third-party clients sometimes bypass some of Telegram's official restrictions, allowing users to freely use certain features in Telegram and watch videos online without restrictions.

Can Turrit be used to watch Telegram videos online?

Now that we understand that third-party clients can help us bypass some of Telegram's official restrictions, many users wonder if Turrit can bypass these restrictions. The answer is yes, because this software is authorized by Telegram, it offers richer features than the official version, making it more convenient for us to use Telegram to watch certain restricted videos.

Turrit's download method is also very simple, you only need to search for the software in the app store on your phone, and click "Install".

After opening the software, you need to set it up according to the prompts on the page, and then you can log in to your Telegram account and use it. After successfully logging in, you can watch some videos online at any time.

It's worth mentioning that Turrit is a Chinese version of a third-party client, so for users in mainland China, there's no need to worry about not understanding English in Telegram, the Chinese interface makes it easier for you to use Telegram.

These are the reasons why Telegram videos cannot be watched online and the methods to solve them. A smooth network environment is essential for making our communication simpler. It's believed that by using these methods, you can freely browse any videos in Telegram.