How to appeal if Telegram is blocked


Telegram is a bridge for communication between users and overseas users. It exists to enable businesses to better develop overseas and to discover more potential customers through Telegram for the purpose of marketing and promotion. However, improper operation or other violations can also lead to account suspension, affecting normal usage.

When many users encounter their Telegram accounts being suspended, they may feel helpless. How can they unlock their accounts? Why would their accounts be suspended while using Telegram normally? In the face of these questions, this article will explain in detail the main reasons for Telegram account suspension and the detailed appeal methods.


What causes Telegram account suspension

In fact, as the number of Telegram users continues to increase, account suspension can also occur during usage. There are many reasons for Telegram account suspension, with the most common reasons including the following:

1. Violation of terms of use

Telegram has clear terms of use, which specify the behavioral norms for users. If users violate these terms, such as by posting illegal, violent, or infringing content, Telegram has the right to suspend the account. Therefore, users need to comply with the relevant regulations when using Telegram, avoiding improper content publication.

2. Abuse of group functions

The group function is a major feature of Telegram, allowing users to share information and exchange ideas in groups. However, some users abuse this function by engaging in malicious marketing, posting spam or spreading rumors, which not only affects the normal experience of other users but can also lead to Telegram suspension. Therefore, it is recommended that users maintain civility when using group functions, avoiding malicious behavior.

3. Reported by others

In the Telegram community, there is a mechanism for mutual supervision among users. If the behavior of a user arouses dissatisfaction and suspicion among other users, they have the right to report that user. Once a report is confirmed, Telegram will investigate and take action on the reported account, possibly leading to account suspension.

Introduction to the appeal method after Telegram account suspension

After the suspension of a Telegram account, you can apply for unblocking through email, but it is important to note that email appeal is not a universal unblocking method. If your account is involved in serious violations, it cannot be unblocked successfully. The specific steps for email unblocking are as follows:

You need to send an email to Telegram's email address:

The subject of the email needs to include your registered phone number, remember to include the area code, for example, the area code for China is +86

In the body of the email, in addition to writing your registered phone number, you also need to state the reason for your account suspension and request an unblocking statement. You can use the following template:

I'm trying to use my phone number:  write your registered phone number, including the area code

But Telegram says it's banned. Please help.

I need this account it's on my most used number.

App version:  write your Telegram version

OS version:  write your phone's operating system version

Device Name:  iOS/Android/others

Thank you.

After sending the email, it usually takes 3-7 days for the account to be able to log in normally.

Note: If your Telegram account was suspended when logging in through Turrit or other third-party accounts, you also need to contact Telegram's official customer service for appeal and unblocking, as only the official Telegram client has the authority to suspend or unblock accounts, other clients do not have this authority.

The above are the methods for unblocking a Telegram account after being suspended. When using Telegram, be sure to operate in compliance with regulations, avoiding violations that could lead to account suspension and affect normal usage.